Offshore Companies

Choose the jurisdiction which best suits your needs

USA, Colorado

Why choose this jurisdiction when starting a business?
Colorado has maintained a preeminent position with its Limited Liability Company statute.

Colorado law does not require that the name of any member of the LLC be disclosed in the certificate of formation. Some states require the publication of the names of all members. Unlike other states, single member LLC’s are permitted.

The creation of your LLC may be your only contact with Colorado. Colorado does not require you to have any meetings in the state nor are you ever required to visit Colorado.

Colorado does not impose any income tax on LLC’s which do not transact business in Colorado. Additionally, Colorado does not impose either an income tax or inheritance tax upon members who are not Colorado residents. Unlike other states, no minimum capital is required. Neither members nor managers need be US citizens. Units of ownership may be owned by individuals, corporations or any other business entity existing under either US or foreign law.

There are no limits on the type of legal business which a company may transact.

Colorado – A Tax Haven for Non-US Residents

People in the US are familiar with Colorado as the home to most large US companies. But many people don’t realize that the US has become one of the world’s most attractive jurisdictions for non-US citizens. The reason is the Colorado Limited Liability Company (LLC).

The LLC, since (a) Members are not US citizens or resident in USA; (b) The Company does not sell – generate profits in USA; it will be a 100% tax exempted company, excellent for your worldwide trading. Please note that, nevertheless, and keeping the tax exemption statute, you can always use your LLC to buy any products from the USA.

An LLC profits “pass through” to the individual owner. For Americans who file a personal US tax return, these profits are added to their ordinary income and taxed at the individual rate. The advantage for non-Americans who do not file a US tax return is that the LLC’s profits pass through to LLC’s owner but the income is not taxed by the US. Of course, if you feel it is necessary to report the LLC’s income in your home country, you are able to do so. However, ownership in a Colorado LLC is completely private and is never disclosed, not even to the state of Colorado.


Protection of name and address

100% Tax exempt


Members or managers don't need to be US citizens

Packages and Prices

USA, Colorado

icon standard package white


The cheapest option company formation, payment government fees, registered office, local registered agent, Client Due Diligence (CDD) full and free tax and legal assistance, and much more, to keep your entity fully compliant.

icon business package white


A special package with all services as included on the Standard Package, plus our Bank Account opening services with a local bank based in UAE, providing account opening remotely, and offering you online banking, multi-currency account, debit cards and all other major banking services you may need.

icon premium package white


A package with all services as included on the Business Package plus full Nominee Services (Nominee Members and Managers) providing you the highest degree in terms of confidentiality and anonymity.

Colorado High Degree of Privacy

Your name and address are not publicly disclosed.
Your home and business addresses are not made public.
Ownership is not public information.
There is no publicly searchable database for company management or ownership.

How can we help you?

Should you have any question, our Business Development Managers team will be ready to guide and assist you!